Archive for Category: Uncategorized

Change is Beautiful

Metamorphosis is perhaps the most challenging transformation in nature.  The once ravenous caterpillar who has known no other instinct than to eat, loses its appetite.  Some novel, quiet feeling inside makes it seek a calm, hidden place to spin a chrysalis.  Once inside, a...

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A Cooking Story – Part 1: Machando

It’s such an interesting moment when one first becomes conscious but hasn’t yet opened the eyes. The vibrations and the shape of space permeate awareness before even the first thought arises. The “I AM” part that’s always witnessing, just absorbing the sounds and at...

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Dat Mango Tho

(Part 2) My eyes are swimming in the luscious fruit bowl… a soul could get lost in there and forget the meaning of regret- as well as the “meaning” of anything else. I pierce the mango with my fork and lift it to my...

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Dat Mango Tho

(Part one) I’m on my back, gazing at the ceiling of the Maloca through half closed eyes. Shambhavi mudra- that face that’s familiar to meditators and other contented explorers of altered states. Eyes half closed- half in, half out– fully present. The roof of...

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Contemplations on Gratitude

Hello Friends, Below please find some brief musings on the concept of Gratitude.   I started writing this as an update, and then it turned into a letter, and then a poem… and then a prayer. Truly I’m not sure what it is– but it...

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