Metamorphosis is perhaps the most challenging transformation in nature. The once ravenous caterpillar who has known no other instinct than to eat, loses its appetite. Some novel, quiet feeling inside makes it seek a calm, hidden place to spin a chrysalis. Once inside, a disturbing vibration ripples through the caterpillar’s body; the imaginal cells– the cells that know the blueprint of this creature’s destiny– have activated. At first, the caterpillar’s body rejects these changes; the immune system begins attacking the imaginal cells as if they were invaders. Resistance prevails.
But suddenly, as if by magic, enough of the imaginal cells have become active and they begin to resonate together in a new frequency– a harmonic that shakes the caterpillar to the core of its being and resistance becomes futile. Finally… surrender. The caterpillar liquifies from the inside, using its own digestive juices as the imaginal cells find each other, cluster, and create the shape of the new and utterly majestic being that eventually emerges.Sometimes the machinations of Divine Will don’t make sense to us; Until we arrive, it’s difficult to understand the very important roles the obstacles and challenges in our paths have played. From the Eagle’s eye view (or perhaps the butterfly’s view), however, we can clearly see the way each and every circumstance, no matter how painful and difficult in the moment, helped us to transform, uncovering the strength and the gifts we required to fulfill our destinies.
So, it is with sadness, but also with great joy that we release what once was and embrace what is, and all that is to come. And even after all this time, the orchestration and synchronicity of events that align just so still astonish me, and the universe is presenting us with so many ways to deepen this work in the years to come.
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” — Alan Watts
With an open and exposed heart, I invite all of you to deepen this journey with me. May we all continue to marvel in awe at the designs of this Great Mystery, and may we all become enlightened by astonishment!
With Great Love, With Great Respect, I Welcome You All With All My Heart.